VP - traduzione in Inglese
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VP - traduzione in Inglese

Vice presidency; Vice-president; Vice-President; VP; Deputy-president; Executive Vice President; Deputy president; Vice-presidential; Vice President; Senior Vice President; Deputy President; Executive vice president; Junior Vice President; Vicepresident; Vice-Presidency; Senior vice president; VP of Corporate Development; V P; Senior Executive Vice President; Deputy managing director; Vice President in Charge of Hiring; Vice presidents; Senior Vice-president; Senior vice-president; Vice Presidency; Vice Pres.; Vice pres.; Vice-presidents; Executive vice-president; Executive Vice-President; Senior executive vice president; Vice president (corporate title); Division Vice President; Corporate vice president; Corporate vice-president; First Vice President; Second Vice President; First vice president; Second vice president; The Vice President; 副总裁; Executive vice presidents

v. board and lodging, meals and a place to sleep


Virtual Processor (Reference: Amiga, AMIGADE)


Vice president

A vice president, also director in British English, is an officer in government or business who is below the president (chief executive officer) in rank. It can also refer to executive vice presidents, signifying that the vice president is on the executive branch of the government, university or company. The name comes from the Latin term vice meaning "in place of" and typically serves as pro tempore (Latin: ’for the time being’) to the president. In some countries, the vice president is called the deputy president. In everyday speech, the abbreviation VP is used.

Esempi di pronuncia per VP
1. Now you're the VP.
Sub Pop _ Megan Jasper _ Talks at Google
2. What's, what's VP hour?
Connection Culture Manifesto _ Michael Lee Stallard _ Talks at Google
3. I'm the VP of Benefits.
Scrum _ Dr Jeff Sutherland _ Talks at Google
4. that the VP asked for.
Agile Project Management with Kanban _ Eric Brechner _ Talks at Google
5. or the VP of product or the VP of marketing or the like.
If You Really Want to Change the World _ Norman Winarsky _ Talks at Google
Esempi dal corpus di testo per VP
1. VOX/VP Singles Frank und Hanni÷ "Nackt bedeutet frei sein" Nummer vier im Partnersuchequartett÷ Friseur Frank, Anfang 40 und begeisterter FKK–Anhänger.
2. VOX/VP "Mission Herzklopfen", Single Ida÷ Beauty ist Bürde In Deutschland leben rund 12 Millionen Singles, an Bedrohlichkeit kann es mit dieser Ziffer nur noch die Arbeitslosenquote aufnehmen.
3. VOX/VP Kontaktsuchender Christoph, Coach Elsässer÷ Lernen, wie man richtig flirtet Im Fall Christoph schließlich wird deutlich, wie die Effizienzmaxime längst auch alles Psychologische überformt.
4. VOX/VP Single Nathalie÷ "Manchmal ist sie zu spontan" Tatsächlich sind sie Schwerstarbeiter im Dating– und Selbstoptimierungsgeschäft÷ Christoph zum Beispiel, der introvertierte Computerfachmann, will lernen, wie man richtig flirtet, und hat dazu einen Coach engagiert.